Real Property Management Southland

These Indoor Plants Are Sure to Boost Your Mood

Houseplants have long remained a foundation of natural beauty, but while indoor plant trends have changed, the benefits of including one or more houseplants indoors have remained steady. Indeed, there were a number of indoor plants identified for their ability to reduce stress, enhance productivity, and boost your mood. Actually, some researchers think that the unique properties of some houseplants can even help alleviate the symptoms of seasonal depression. These kinds of mood-boosting properties make having houseplants probably of the best things you can do for your personal well-being.

It is regularly known that all plants generate oxygen. Well, in the case of houseplants, this implies they can help freshen stale indoor air and even remove some of the common pollutants you may find in your San Pedro rental property. While reports have found that you need to put over 600 plants to completely purify the air in a 1,500-square-foot house, keeping just a few plants could still produce measurable improvements in indoor air quality.

Several of the more popular indoor plants help boost oxygen levels and remove toxins like xylene, formaldehyde, and toluene from the air. The most common houseplants with the potential to improve air quality include spider plants, succulents like aloe vera, the peace lily, lavender, and Boston ferns. Some of these plants will bring a pleasant fragrance to boot.

The increase in air quality can have a direct effect on a person’s mood, and houseplants can also cheer you up in a lot of different ways. Merely being in the room with plants and flowers has been shown to reduce stress, improve concentration, and even soothe minor aches and pains. Although the specialist does not fully know why plants have this result, the prevailing theory suggests that humans have a need to connect with nature. And when we do, the effect is greater satisfaction.

While just the act of taking care of any houseplant can make you feel happier, some plants are better at it than others. For example, when trying to avoid a case of the blues, studies have shown that no plant does a better job than the snake plant. Known for its tall sword-shaped leaves and low maintenance requirements, the snake plant is both hardy and easy to grow. It is one of the best houseplants you can have to clean airborne toxins from the air. But it also does something that other houseplants don’t do: it releases fresh oxygen into the air at night. Putting in one or two of these plants in a bedroom can significantly improve air quality, which is expected to result in better sleep and an improved mood.

Another plant with proven mood-boosting qualities is peppermint. In studies conducted by neuroscientists, the peppermint plant has been shown to boost mood, memory, and mental awareness. The plant gives off that distinctive peppermint aroma that can make your kitchen smell great also. Easy to grow, peppermint plants thrive indoors all year round as long as the soil is kept at the right moisture levels.

If you get a houseplant to clean your indoor air, add natural beauty to your home, or to give you the feeling of satisfaction that comes with caring for living things, there is one factor your plant is sure to do. All-together, these advantages will help to develop your attitude and help you become more creative and hardworking each day.

But what is a houseplant without a home? Real Property Management Southland isn’t just about helping homeowners, but our tenants as well. If you’re looking for your next home, we invite you to browse our available rentals or contact us to communicate with an expert San Pedro property manager today.